2018 goals: Stop living like a student

By Sonia Bell and Jackie Marchildon
December 18, 2017

Students tend to have certain living habits that only they can get away with – they're young, they're on a tight budget, and they're preoccupied with their studies. If you're not a student, but you're still living like one, here are 15 student living habits to break in 2017!

1. Get rid of your posters

It's time to remove these stereotypical student posters that once covered the walls of dorm rooms around the world. Wall art? Sure. Posters? No. Trust us, there's a big difference between the two.


Photos: Second Life Market Place, All Posters, Amazon

2. Stop living in a den/closet/cellar

Unless you're one of the lucky few that live in a den that is actually the size of a bedroom, and isn't some dungeon-like space with no windows, it's time to move into a real bedroom. It'll be nice to not have people react like this when you show them your room:


3. It's essential to own more than 2 plates...

Remember when you'd have a meal, rinse off your plate, and re-use it for the next two meals of the day? Stop doing that.


4. ...Same goes for all utensils

Own several knives, forks and spoons too.


5. Chef Boyardee is not a legitimate meal

Same goes for Michelina's, Kraft Dinner, Mr. Noodles and Pizza Pops. If you want to stop living like a student, stop eating like one!


6. Stop pulling all-nighters

Only students can miss a whole night's worth of sleep and still function the next morning.


7. Your bedroom is not a productive workspace

Any room that is associated with sleep is not conducive to hard work. Get a desk and find a proper workspace.


8. Frat-house filth is not socially acceptable

Sticky tables, unclean bathrooms and dirty floors will only be tolerated if you're a student.


9. Buy a couch. Like a new couch. Not one your parents gave you from 1972

There's nothing wrong with hand-me-down furniture, but if it's old, dusty and floral, it's time to treat yourself to a new couch.


10. Buy groceries

Oftentimes when you're a student you forego groceries for the more "important" things like shoes and a night out (aka alcohol). It's time you realize food is a necessity, and pertinent for when you have unexpected guests.


11. A TV tray is NOT a kitchen table

Eating a meal and watching TV go hand-in-hand, especially now that Netflix exists, but grown-up apartments have tables and you'll appreciate it every time you have more than one person over for dinner.


12. Stop binge drinking instant coffee

There comes a point in life when being a coffee snob is okay. Brew your coffee, go to Timmy's, drink a tea – any type of caffeine is better than instant coffee.


13. A futon should not be your bed

Sure, they're great for guests, but you're not a guest in your own home – buy an actual bed!


14. Stop spending all your extra money on alcohol

If you cut down on your alcohol consumption, you'll save money, feel better and be able to buy other important things (like new furniture or appliances – not to mention groceries).

//twitter.com/adamw2014/status/585879039048552448" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Twitter" />

15. Make your bed... at least sometimes

Making your bed in the morning sets a good precedent for the rest of the day, and makes jumping into bed at night that much better!


Main photo via hahastop.com, Adam Wesley Twitter, Value Valet, Her Campus, Facts of School Twitter and Good Housekeeping

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