Get settled into your new community by doing this

By Kimberly Leung
April 28, 2015

When you move, you'll probably be happy to let go of a few things, like old clothes, worn furniture and broken gadgets. Those you won't miss. But the things you will? Close friends, favourite hangouts – familiar things that made you feel at home.While some things aren't easily replaced, the following tips can help you get settled into a new neighbourhood after relocating. Find some great new favourites and it will make adjusting just a little bit easier.

Take public transit

Economical and eco-friendly, taking public transit is one of the best ways to get a feel for a new city. No plans? Grab a day pass and pick a route along a major road. This will help you get your bearings and get settled in an unfamiliar place. Or just keep your eyes open in the morning during your commute. You'll learn to recognize landmarks, familiarize yourself with street names, and perhaps spot a place or two to get off and explore. All this while someone else does the driving.

street crossing - getting settled

Look online

Online reviews host a wealth of information about local businesses around you, but don't stop there. Bookmark some local blogs - they're known for publishing 'best-of' lists and frequently updated listings to community events. And while you might not be a tourist, travel websites can be a great place to find the must-trys and can't-misses in your new city. (Needing a more in-depth look into a particular area? This website's NEIGHBOURHOODS section has you covered offering guided neighbourhood tours, with detailed descriptions, interactive maps, and video tours.)

Ask around

Independent exploration and online research can only take you so far. Don't be shy - take the initiative and ask someone in your project group to suggest some lunch options. Take up your coworkers on those after-work drinks. Use opportunities to get to know others better, and ask questions! People love to share their experiences - good, bad, and ugly, and it'll give you some much needed insight when you're a recent transplant to a new place. If you're introverted and this all sounds easier said than done, try connecting with just one or two people you feel comfortable with. Asking for recommendations is a casual way to break the ice and get a conversation started. You'll get settled much quicker if you develop your social network.

Sandwich board - interesting spot getting settled


About Kimberly Leung

Kimberly Leung is a Toronto based communications professional with a background in online marketing and public administration. She is a freelance contributor to several publications and moonlights as volunteer grant writer and project consultant.

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