Tidy up!

By Hellen Buttigieg
May 08, 2014
How to keep the Home tidy - in just a few minutes a day. There are two tricks you can use to keep your home neat with little effort: Scan and Grab: Any time you leave one room, scan it quickly to see if there’s anything that belongs in the room that you are going to (or along the way). Keep a basket at the bottom of the stairs and any time you come across something that belongs on the second floor, toss it in. At the end of the day, grab the basket on your way up. Deposit the items in the rooms where they belong right away (or first thing in the morning if you’re too tired). Be sure to take the basket back downstairs on your way down the next day. The key is to get into the habit of doing this daily so the basket doesn’t get too full, otherwise it becomes too time consuming to put everything away. Do it now and save time Delaying tasks actually creates more work and wastes time. Fold or hang your clothes immediately after the dryer cycle is complete and you will spend less (or no) time ironing. Load the dishwasher (or wash the dishes) as soon as you’re done eating and you’ll spend less time rinsing, scraping and scrubbing. Smart storageYou’ve probably heard the term ‘a place for everything and everything in its place’. This is so true, but it’s only part of the solution. The second half of this wisdom is to keep things in a logical position. For example, keep keys by the exit door, coffee and filters in the cupboard above the coffee maker, and magazines in a basket beside the chair where you do most of your reading. Not only will this make it easier to find what you need quickly, it will also cut down on steps and save you time. Next time you are trying to find a home for something, instead of asking ‘where should I put it’, ask ‘where would I use it’.

About Hellen Buttigieg

Hellen Buttigieg is a certified professional organizer, life coach, TV host, owner of We Organize U and author of the best-seller, Organizing Outside The Box, now available on Amazon. For tips on organizing your home, your office and your life. Visit WeOrganizeU.com and sign up for Hellen’s free newsletter.

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