5 modern cottage getaways

By Brandon Bastaldo
April 26, 2016

1. Weather-resistant modern cottage

//www.patkau.ca/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Patkau Architects" />

Surrounded by lush forest, this ultra-sleek modern cabin designed by Patkau Architect's sees this design firm thinking outside of the box. Dubbed a 'farm house', this modernist rendition of a traditional housing structure sees the designers at Patkau placing this monolith-like shape in between the beauty of shaggy Douglas fir trees and fruit orchards. Decorated with a charcoal coloured exterior, this far from humble abode feature more than forty skylights.

About Brandon Bastaldo

A lover of all things film, arts and culture, Brandon uses his education in Film Theory/English and years of experience as a movie/hip hop blogger to deliver a fresh twist to digital real estate related content.

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