Designing a home office, like a boss

By Lydia McNutt
March 17, 2017

Neil Jonsohn, designer and a creative principal at U31, talks fashion, function and how to design a home office that will really work for you.

Condos have become a beast of multi-function. These small, uber-efficient homes often double as working and entertaining spaces, meaning people have to put some careful thought into achieving the right balance between work and play, beauty and function.

We asked what condo dwellers want to know: what’s the secret to designing a small, stylish yet fully functional home?

“With any space, but especially one which is task oriented (like a study or kitchen), always ask, ‘What will make it more efficient?’” says Jonsohn. “Always start with function and grow from there.”

The trick, Jonsohn says, is letting go of those pretty things that lack function. “If it’s counter-productive to your end goal, let it go,” he says. “Ultimately, it needs to work for you. No one else.”

While practicality is important, aesthetics also play a part in a well-designed space. After all, you have to love your home if you’re going to be creative, productive and happy in it.

So, what’s this designer’s favourite element of this office space?

“It has to be the colouring. The warm charcoals, caramels, shots of cream and gold – all come together to give the space a cocooning effect.”

About Lydia McNutt

Lydia McNutt is an award-winning writer and editor.

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