74 Grand Ave. S., Suite 201 Cambridge ON N1S0B7
A funny thing happened in 2010 when we founded HIP Developments. We started to talk about what it would take to be a leading residential developer. Initially we looked at what other experienced developers were doing. What we found was that they valued what worked for them in the past, building the same type of production style housing as they always had. This beaten path to success had been walked many times but we just couldn’t bring ourselves to follow the herd. Times are changing, vibrant urban neighbourhoods are expanding and thriving, a shift to condo and apartment living is underway and large transit investments are coming to support this change. Cities are in demand but lack newly built energy efficient homes and state of the art amenities. Opportunity looks a lot different now compared to the sprawl of the past decades. Instead of replicating tried and true methods of residential development we set a new path, with fresh ideas and an eye to invest in creative neighbou