Bruce Kirkland
By NextHome Staff
January 21, 2020
January 21, 2020
By Cece M. Scott cecescott.comBest known as the Toronto Sun's movie critic for several decades, Bruce Kirkland says, "I had three different careers in my life and I didn't apply for any of them.""AT THE END OF MY SUMMER INTERNSHIP AT THE Toronto Star, I became the paper's first, full-time music critic, for which I wasn't really qualified," says Kirkland. "This role dramatically broadened my interest in the possibilities of a wide breadth of music genres. If the music was good, I wanted to listen to it."The couple ended up adopting two orphaned elephants (Mukkoka and Enkesha) through the David Sheldrick Foundation. "We got to feel the elephants, experience the texture of their skin and marvel at their eyelashes. We're still in awe."Kirkland currently co-edits and writes for the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) organization, and contributes his much-loved film column for Active Life magazine. "If you have a good life, embrace it, trust it, and expand it every chance you get."