Get organized - A dose of reality

By Hellen Buttigieg
May 05, 2015

get organizedYou want everything to fit away neatly, display perfectly and know exactly where everything is when you need it. That’s what being organized is all about. But is that realistic? Each space, person and system is different. What worked for some may not work for you. You may have limitations on space or be too overwhelmed by stuff for a quick fix. The demands on your lifestyle and your family’s needs may outweigh the space in your home. Being organized doesn’t happen overnight and it doesn’t have a finish line. Getting organized is a process; learn what works for you.

Keeping it real.

You’ll never get organized.
Read that again.
Yes, that’s what I said.
You’ll never get organized, because being perfectly organized is not a realistic expectation. Just to be clear, organization is not a destination. You don’t just wake up one day and find that you’ve arrived. It’s a process – a work in progress. So if you are judging yourself against unrealistic expectations, or holding back on pursuing a goal because you are waiting until you “get organized, once and for all,” perhaps it’s time to look at things differently.

Instead of trying to get organized, strive to become more organized every day. Doesn’t that feel more attainable? Instead of feeling stuck, you’ll be able to take a step forward.

Use your instincts.

Are you surrounded by piles of papers on your desk, your floor and any other flat surface in your office? Don’t fight your instincts, work with them. Rather than trying to adapt to traditional ways of filing, such as using a lateral filing cabinet, use horizontal methods instead. Use stacking trays or literature sorters, which can be placed on your desk or installed on the wall. Now label them with the categories you use most. It will be easier to adapt to filing papers when you don’t have to change your piling habit.

Let go and let it flow.

Are you holding on to things that you’ll never use again? People often unconsciously jam their homes full of stuff because the sheer volume gives them a feeling of comfort and security. If you are operating from a need for abundance, remember that your success as a person has nothing to do with all the outdated or rarely used stuff overflowing from your closets. In fact, it’s probably blocking your prosperity. Let go of what you don’t need to make room for new things to come into your life.

Plan before de-cluttering.

Before beginning any de-cluttering project, determine in advance how you will dispose of the items you no longer want. If you have valuable pieces and would like to sell them, decide whether you will do this yourself or hire someone to do it for you. If you would like them to go to charity, which one and where is it located? Some charities will pick up, so call them to find out when they will be in your area. It’s not until those boxes and bags leave your home that you will reap the full rewards of de-cluttering. Planning in advance will curb procrastination and ensure you fully complete the task.

Feeling stuck?

If you find yourself backsliding when it comes to maintaining your organizing systems, don’t berate yourself, as this will sap your energy and prevent you from doing anything about it. Rather than dwelling on what went wrong, focus instead on what needs to be done. Just say “oops” and move on to taking action.

About Hellen Buttigieg

Hellen Buttigieg is a certified professional organizer, life coach, TV host, owner of We Organize U and author of the best-seller, Organizing Outside The Box, now available on Amazon. For tips on organizing your home, your office and your life. Visit and sign up for Hellen’s free newsletter.

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