Top 7 Trick-or-treating Neighbourhoods in Vancouver

By Stephanie MacDonald
October 28, 2016

Yes, the “trick-or-treat test” is an actual concept in urban design, and it relates to how safe a neighbourhood is, or is perceived to be, the density of the housing, socioeconomic stability of the residents, quality of street lighting, the presence of front doors and windows facing the street, and a short walk to the front of the home from the sidewalk. All of these things make for a nice place for people to live, and incidently make trick-or-treating a lot easier as well. Trick-or-treating neighbourhoods in Vancouver vary wildly from neighbourhood to neighbourhood; how does yours stack up?

Here are the top seven neighbourhoods to trick-or-treat in Vancouver according to an unscientific poll of a 12-year-old soccer team with players from all over the city.

1. Grandview/Commercial Drive: There are a lot of Halloween-enthusiasts who live adjascent to Commercial Drive, as you can see by the decorations on the homes. Many families live in the area, and on Commercial you are never too far away from amazing hot chocolate at any number of Italian coffee shops. Houses are close together, and “there are not too many hills”.

2. Kitsilano: This neighbourhood has it all, density, generosity, and a high percentage of young people and students who “love seeing little kids all dressed up, because they don’t have any yet”. Being close to Fourth Avenue also means being close to warming treats (wine) for mum and dad. Stick to the neighbourhoods north of Fourth, and west of Arbutus for the best haul.

3. Kensington/Cedar Cottage: This neighbourhood also has a high concentration of families, so everyone gets into the spirit. Many new townhomes make going from house to house an easy task, and Sunnyside Park, as well as Glen Park always host “killer” fireworks displays around 9 pm.

4. Dunbar: The houses are close together, streets well lit. Though there are a few hills around this area, the residents are affluent and generous.

5. Trinity Street: The same street that puts on the most amazing Christmas lawn displays also goes all out for Halloween. Many people commute to trick-or-treat here, and residents are friendly (but “some go out of the way to spook you”).

6. Kerrisdale: The houses aren’t so close together, but this is more than made up for by the high quality of treats. My kids once came back from a trip around a friend’s house with bags full of Callebaut, Purdy’s and gourmet fudge, so it is worth the trip if your kids are picky about their candy (ha!), or if you like to pilfer (more like it).

7. Hastings Sunrise: You have to be a bit careful here, but the residential area around Templeton High School, north of Hastings around Victoria Drive is full of families, and thus enthusiastic about Halloween.

About Stephanie MacDonald

Stephanie MacDonald is the Editor-at-Large for New Home + Condo Guide Vancouver.

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