Training rental program benefits renters

By Ted Whitehead
May 07, 2014
training program When you rent an apartment, your quality of life in that residence has much to do with how the building property management personnel operate and perform on a daily basis. The Federation of Rental-housing Providers of Ontario (FRPO) established the province-wide Certified Rental Building Program (CRBP) to help apartment shoppers zero in on buildings that are well run in keeping with an accepted set of standards of practice that help to raise the level of professionalism across the industry. To ensure that these criteria are met, those enrolled in this innovative program must complete the Certified Rental Building Property Managers Training & Education Program that helps achieve the CRBP’s goal of “Providing value to tenants.” In other words, providing an acceptable customer service level is at the forefront of the exercise. The training course is available only to property managers’ and/or property owners’ staff whose buildings have been admitted into the program. Participants cover the requirements of meeting CRBP’s Standards of Practice and learn how and why upholding them improves operations and customer service. All management personnel who carry out the daily decisions about running the enrolled buildings must attend the course, which runs approximately eight hours. 161141672“The CRB Program’s training was a natural educational add-on for Sterling Karamar’s staff,” said President, Marshall Bleiweis. “The training was well received by our staff and served to re-enforce our continued commitment to providing our residents with a quality rental product and service.” For the convenience of participants, it is run in two session formats: a one-day or two concurrent half-day sessions. All participants complete a test at the end of the sessions to make sure that they understand the course content. The curriculum covers the CRBP’s Standards of Practice and how these apply to the daily running of an apartment building, as well as how they can improve revenue opportunities, increase occupancy rates and enhance the quality of service to customers. It truly is a win-win situation. There is a fee to enrol participants, and each receives a Training Manual and a Sample Forms Booklet. In the end, participants are expected to ensure that good business processes and practices are in place, all for the benefit of the renter. The education component of the CRBP goes hand-in-hand with the Program’s goal of raising employee professionalism across the industry. Another component, accountability, is equally important. 459861599 A key requirement of certification is proof of compliance with the Standards of Practice through building audits conducted by the independent third-party performance measurement firm, J.D. Power and Associates, and the education course prepares managers and owners for this process. In fact, participating building owners/managers have to request the audit after completing a self-assessment, which adds another layer of accountability. “Training and education help raise the quality of rental-apartment buildings in Ontario, and in raising the level of professionalism across our industry,” said Vince Brescia, president and CEO of the Federation of Rental-housing Providers of Ontario. “It is a natural extension of any respectable quality-assurance program and that is why it is such an important component of the CRB Program.” The education and training that accompanies the CRBP certification facilitates strict adherence to things such as regular building cleaning schedules, effective and prompt communication with tenants regarding repairs and other concerns, properly maintained elevators, annual site inspections, and much more. Program participants learn about the importance of human rights responsibilities when it comes to tenants and employees, and how critical it is to respect people’s privacy. The provision of emergency contact information to tenants, paying interest on their last month’s rent . . . there are many aspects of managing and working in an apartment building that are addressed. The CRBP has been well received across the industry, and the certification continues to be a sign of leadership and respect for quality assurance for rental housing consumers. In the end, it’s about making life better for renters. Visit to learn more.

About Ted Whitehead

Ted Whitehead is Director of Certification, Certified Rental Building Program, Federation of Rental-housing Providers of Ontario (FRPO).

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