Voyce - Parkside Homes on the Cambie Corridor

By NextHome Staff
October 27, 2020

The mood at the Voyce presentation centre was distinctly enthusiastic and celebratory on September 12. By the time the doors opened, a line-up extended around the block as buyers, eager to become part of the dynamic Cambie Corridor neighbourhood, waited their turn to experience this boutique collection of just 81 condominiums residences for themselves.

“More than 100 groups toured the presentation centre over the weekend — all practicing physical distancing naturally,” says Cam Good of Key Marketing. “Over 30 suites sold, mostly to end-users who plan to live in these homes themselves. Many already know and love this neighbourhood for its central location, great schools, and, of course, the location adjacent to Queen Elizabeth Park.”

While people waited, many took the opportunity to snap a selfie or two in front of Voyce’s Heart Mural painted by a local, Vancouver artist. And, in an historic first, after more than three decades as a Vancouver icon, the Landmark Hotpot House opened their doors at lunchtime to provide tasty treats for the gathered crowd.

Celebrate Home

Inside, whether you choose a super-efficient junior one-bedroom, a family-sized three-bedroom suite, or anything in between, Voyce’s list of features is an impressive and lengthy one: Miele appliances (Gaggenau in the penthouse collection), custom Italian cabinetry with Magic Corners and built-in organizers, luxurious bathrooms with NuHeat electric floor heating and marble tiles (in every ensuite or main bathroom), plus climate control with central air conditioning and heating for all-season comfort. And that’s just the beginning.

“Many of these features would be considered upgrades in other properties,” Cam says. “At Voyce, they’re standard because we believe our buyers are entitled to attainable luxury.”

The Voyce presentation centre and display suite are open noon to 5 p.m. daily except Fridays at 4033 Cambie Street in Vancouver. Due to limited capacity at this time, please call ahead to arrange your semi-private, Voyce experience. For more information, visit voyce.ca or call 604.875.1116.

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