Fram + Slokker

141 Lakeshore Road East, Mississauga, ON, L5G 1E8

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FRAM is a company known for building strong, award winning communities. We build and design premier residential and mixed-use communities across Canada and the United States. Along with its group of highly motivated management and construction professionals, FRAM has successfully built over 11,000 residences from custom homes to exceptional single family, multi-family, condominium and rental homes, in addition to mixed-used developments and commercial properties. For its leadership in master-planning, architecture and interior design, FRAM has received numerous awards as it consistently earns the respect of its peers and professionals in the industry. With an extended after-sales customer service program to ensure owner's expectations are met, FRAM attributes 40% of its new homes to repeat buyers or referrals. FRAM's attention to detail in construction, utilizing modern quality control and innovate techniques while maintaining old-world craftsmanship standards has been its streng

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