Mike Morrison: The man behind Calgary By Bike

By Kait Kucy
August 24, 2015

The Calgary Cycle Tracks have officially been open now for the summer and they’ve been met with a great response in the cycling community. Local blogger and avid cyclist, Mike Morrison saw the opportunity to show just how great this addition to the city’s infrastructure was while showcasing some of the very best of Calgary at the same time. We caught up with him amidst local markets and street festivals to chat about how it came to fruition.

Q: What inspired you to create the Calgary By Bike map?

A: Whenever we travel, we're always looking for what the locals would do, so I wanted to make a guide that reflects that for Calgary. But it's not just for tourists; Calgary is such an amazing city and new things are happening all the time! It's a great guide for people looking to hop on their bikes and experience the city like never before!

Q: What is the best thing you’ve experienced while using the new cycle tracks?

A: I love how when you pass someone on the cycle tracks, they always nod their head and say hello. That doesn't happen when you drive, or really even when you walk. I think people are so excited that they are able to bike all around Calgary now and feel safe that they can't help but smile and say hello to all those who are also enjoying it!

Q: How did you decide on the places in your guide?

A: No one paid to be on the map, in fact, no one even knew we were working on it. I spent a lot of time biking and thinking about what would constitute the "perfect day." Whether you're with your friends, or family, I wanted to pick places that I thought people would love to experience and have fun, all while easily getting there on their bikes!

Q: What are your favourite places to visit right now?

A: I'm full on obsessed with everything happening in the East Village right now. The Simmons building is amazing. Charbar's patio is out of this world, and St. Patrick's Island is better than I could have even imagined. Who knew that a landlocked city could have not one, but two amazing islands side by side!

Q: What do you think is the hottest neighbourhood in Calgary right now?

A: So everyone, including me is in love with the East Village. However, I just started renting a home in Crescent Heights and I'm absolutely loving it. I always thought that it was big mansions, but now that I'm up here, I see that the neighbourhood is perfectly quaint with tree-lined streets and well maintained homes and apartments. It also has access to all the great food along Edmonton Trail. Between Big Fish to Diner Deluxe and Halibut House, I still haven't visited the grocery store because I'm too busy eating!

Check out Mike's blog: Mike's Bloggity Blog

About Kait Kucy

Kait Kucy is a lifestyle and travel writer and blogger for online and print publications in Canada and the U.S.

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