The pros and cons of installing leaf guards on your gutters

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As autumn rolls around, the leaves begin to change colour and fall. Before you know it, those leaves may clog your home's gutters, potentially causing water damage if the rain can't flow properly.

Installing gutter leaf guards or gutter covers may seem an easy way to avoid seasonal gutter cleaning and protect your home. However, leaf guards also come with drawbacks you should consider before installing them. Knowing the potential pros and cons can help you decide what works best for your home.

You may also visit this website for more details on specific products to account for climate and personal needs when considering leaf guards for your gutters.

Prevent clogs and overflow

Leaf guards allow rainwater to flow through your gutters while blocking leaves and debris. This debris causes clogging and overflow issues over time when guards aren't installed. Clogged gutters lead to problems like moisture seeping into exterior walls, insect infestations from standing water, icicles, mildew formation, and foundation damage from water pools.

Quality leaf guards sit over your existing gutters to act as shields that permit proper drainage. Investing in professional guard installation prevents expensive home repairs down the road by proactively avoiding clog-related problems before they start through strategic prevention.

Reduce cleanup hassles

Cleaning clogged gutters is a tedious chore, especially for aging homeowners or multi-story homes. It involves carefully climbing up ladders and clearing piles of debris by hand.

Quality leaf guards reduce the need for this intense physical labour by blocking most leaves, seeds, needles, and other debris that tend to accumulate. While some particles may still enter, professional guards drastically cut down on gutter maintenance requirements.

Investing in guards alleviates the annual burden of clearing gutters yourself. Ultimately, you will spend less time on ladders scooping out soggy leaves when high-functioning guards are correctly installed. This simplifies home maintenance season after season.

Higher upfront costs

While leaf guards provide benefits over time, the initial investment is substantial, which deters some homeowners. Quality leaf guard systems often double the baseline cost of new gutters and installation.

For a modest single-story home, you may spend $800 to $1,200 on new gutters, but adding guards could cost an additional $1,500 to $2,500. Larger homes with greater roof edge footage may pay even more in initial costs for full coverage with guards.

This high upfront price point simply does not align with some homeowners' budgets compared to the returns. Weigh whether protecting your gutters over a decade or more justifies the steep initial investment for your needs.

Potential clogging anyway

No leaf guard system completely prevents clogs and debris accumulation. Small leaves, seeds, twigs, and other debris may still end up in your gutters over time. Pine needles are especially prone to slipping through guards in pine-laden regions.

Since brands vary, carefully research options suitable for the trees around your home. While guards reduce gutter cleaning, they don't wholly eliminate the need to clean gutters occasionally.

Ice damming not solved

In cold winter climates, ice buildup on the roof edges, called ice damming, is a common and hazardous issue. Unfortunately, gutter guards don't prevent ice dams. In fact, some solid gutter cover designs even make the problem worse by allowing more heat to escape through the gaps.

The ultimate solution is improving attic insulation levels. So, if ice dams plague your home, guards likely won't solve the root cause.

Correct installation is key

Functionality and performance hinge on proper gutter guard installation. If gaps allow overflow or debris entry, you lose many benefits that justify the investment.

Hiring a professional instead of DIYing ensures your particular guard system correctly fits your home's gutters and climate needs for optimal protection. Be sure to check references to find an experienced local pro.

Durability varies

When researching guards, carefully examine durability and longevity. Leaf guards experience years of exposure to sun, rain, snow load, temperature shifts, and more.

Cheaper polymer or plastic options likely warp, crack, or fade within five to seven years. Higher-quality steel and aluminum systems have life spans of around 15 to 20 years.

Make sure to check warranty terms and actual customer reviews about how well the guards stand up long-term. If you must replace failing guards sooner than expected, factor in labour charges on top of replacement costs.

Investing more initially in durable systems suited for your climate saves money over time through sustained performance.

Maintenance still required

To keep guards working properly for years, seasonal maintenance is essential. Ensure flowing water doesn't overflow guards by clearing any accumulated debris, no matter how minimal.

Also, check for and seal small gaps, letting debris enter gutters through separations or seams in the guard edges. You'll still need to go up on a ladder around the home exterior each year, just less frequently.

Final thoughts

In the end, situations vary regarding the advantages and disadvantages of installing gutter guards. Homeowners expecting a 100-per-cent maintenance-free solution may be disappointed with a potential compromise.

However, investing in quality guards professionally installed to suit your home can significantly reduce hassles and protect from leaf debris and overflow through years of changing seasons. Weigh the pros and cons and climate considerations before deciding on investing in leaf guards.

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