The summer challenge… having fun and keeping fit

By Agnes Ramsay
June 17, 2023

Ah summer… Images of long days, lounging under a tree reading your favourite book, chatting with friends over a spritzer, barbecuing burgers and enjoying endless evenings.

What is your image of the perfect time spent in the summer?

The temptation of relaxation and socializing with its inherent fun food and drinks is certainly part of our love of summer months.

And it is absolutely important that you enjoy these moments in life.

Heath and fitness

At the same time, don’t forget that our health and fitness should not be put on the back burner. Nothing replaces feeling good, and once good health deteriorates, it becomes more difficult as we age, to get that back.

The great news is that research tells us that it doesn’t take summiting mountains to have good health. But do you need to walk 10,000 steps every day to get any health benefits?

A recent study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association asked the question “What are the associations between daily step counts and step intensity with mortality among U.S. adults?”

According to this large study, yes, more steps can, in essence, equal a longer life with less risk of disease.

However, what was interesting is that 8,000 steps a day was the threshold for change, and it didn’t seem to matter what the intensity level of the steps was, nor did it take into account if the steps were walking, gardening, housecleaning or what have you.

Please be aware that several other studies, including from the Centres for Disease Control, recommends 75 total minutes of intense exercise per week. However, you can break it up into smaller segments.

Everyday movement

To summarize. Move your body – every day. Get your heart rate up at multiple times through the week during your activities. In other words, push yourself without overdoing it. You should always be able to talk during exertion.

Also, importantly – exercise responsibly. Always confer with your doctor before trying something new. During hot summer days, go early or later in the cooler parts of the day. Hydrate, lots of plain water. Wear sunscreen, hats, long light UV shirts and pants. If you go in the forest, wear long pants and socks and look for ticks afterwards.

Tips to keep fit

1) Meet your friends and family for an activity, hike a trail, go berry picking, bike one of the many rail trails. Or simply walk around the neighbourhood and enjoy the gardens.

2) Start playing pickleball. As this sport grows in popularity, it will be easy to find a court/association near you. Start slow, with a beginners group. And do some research on exercises that you can do to prepare.

3) Rent a cottage that has activities close by. Swimming, hiking, room for bocce ball or croquet with the kids and/or grandkids is always a good laugh.

4) If you are inclined as I am, pick a defined walking route and time yourself. Listen to good music (watch out for traffic) and change your cadence while you are walking. Move quickly and get that heart going, and then slow down until your breathing is normal again, and repeat.

Get outside, preferably in the shade, every day. No excuses. They make rain coats and umbrellas for a reason. Take deep breathes and stop and smell the roses. It is a beautiful world – take it in.

About Author

Agnes Ramsay

Agnes Ramsay is a Registered Nurse, Personal Trainer and Wellness Coach who specializes in Electric Muscle Stimulation Training.

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