Amenities for life. How we work, live and play

By Susan M Boyce
March 30, 2022

Times are changing, and there’s no question the last two years have brought new focus and challenges to how we live, work and play. Home offices, even if they’re just a desk tucked into a corner, have become the norm. “Zooming” is firmly entrenched in the global vernacular, and amenities are commanding ever more attention in the competitive multi-family marketplace.

In this issue, we chat with Grant Murray, senior vice-president, sales, with Concord Pacific, about new trends and innovations in the master-planned condos and townhouse developments we call home.

New Home + Condo Guide: Concord Pacific has always been a leader in creating innovative, people-centric amenities. What’s your philosophy about amenities?

Grant Murray: We design our amenities to help create micro communities for people with like minds. It’s about wellness — social as well as physical. We’re fortunate to be developing on a large scale at Concord Metrotown and Oasis at Concord Brentwood, so we have room for 70,000 and 135,000 sq. ft. that we can dedicate to a diverse range of amenities, something not many companies have the opportunity to do.

NH+CG: Entertainment lounges, usually with a kitchen attached, have been a de facto standard for years, especially for downsizers who still want to have the kids and grandkids over for family celebrations. But what are some of the new standards people are looking for in an amenities package?

GM: Two extremely popular amenities are secure bike storage rooms and pet spas.
During the pandemic, many people got a pet. Having a place where you can walk your dog and a washing/grooming area is a huge convenience.

Likewise, with more people riding bikes, you need somewhere secure to store them. Now take it up a notch with a dedicated gear room equipped with all the tools you need to maintain and repair your bike — even the tools you may only use once — as well as private bicycle storage rooms and EV plugs. Plus, there’s the social aspect of meeting your neighbours and perhaps ending up going for a ride together. And even if you don’t know how to fix a flat, frequently another cyclist is happy to help you out. Who knows, a couple of single people could meet and end up getting married.

Neither of these features take much space, so they’re feasible even in a smaller development.

NH+CG: What about fitness facilities? How have they changed?

GM: It’s no longer just about cardio and weights. For example, most fitness centres now have spin bikes and dedicated yoga/stretching rooms. A larger project, like the ones we usually build, will often incorporate half-courts for things like volleyball or pickleball.

We’ve also built a number of communities with private bowling alleys. Even 10 years later, the one we put in at Coopers Point in Yaletown is still booked almost every night. Again, there’s a social component because people often have gatherings and parties there.
Golf simulators and private putting greens are two innovations residents tell us they love.

At Concord Metrotown and Oasis, two of our newest communities, the 400-metre, outdoor running tracks have been a hug hit. Interestingly, one of the things people say they appreciate most is the security. Because the tracks are located on the podium level and are private, people feel safe at any time of day even if they’re jogging alone.

NH+CG: Are there some amenities that are falling out of favour?

GM: In the new employment landscape, having one person working on a laptop in the middle of a large meeting room isn’t optimal use of space. A more efficient solution is to create four or five smaller rooms, or pods, that people can use for zoom calls and when they just want to have some privacy.

We’re also now putting Wi-Fi in the elevators to give seamless connectivity right from your suite. It’s a subtle amenity but it means you don’t have to tell a client you’ll call back in five minutes while you go downstairs.

NH+CG: What other outside-the-box amenities are there that enhance lifestyle?

GM: Soundproofed karaoke lounges and music rooms can be a lot of fun. We even put in a set of drums in one of our music rooms. At Oasis, we’re adding a suntanning “beach” adjacent to the indoor swimming pool area — no need to travel to get the resort experience. And at Metrotown, we’ve built outdoor sauna barrels and work pods so you feel like you’re outside in the garden, surrounded by fresh air.

NH+CG: Any final thoughts?

GM: Having so many amenities just an elevator ride away gives you a luxury many people don’t think about — the luxury of time. You don’t have to travel to a coffee shop or the gym or rent a music studio. It’s all right there, and it’s all state-of-the-art too, which is another bonus.

For information about Concord Pacific’s award-winning master-planned communities, visit and get set for a new view on lifestyle.

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