How to get back to healthy habits and better lifestyle choices post-COVID

By Agnes Ramsay
August 07, 2021

I recently turned 60. Every decade has brought me to a place of reflection and reanalyzing where my next steps in life may take me. This was a big one, for many reasons.

I’ll be honest. My identity generally has been largely defined by health and wellness, but it appears that life, as it often does, had other plans.

This past year, like so many of us, presented some unusual, let’s say, “challenges” in my life. If you read a previous article, you will know that my mother passed in the spring. I was also dealing with a health scare of my own. Fortunately, all is fine, but it was a bumpy road there for a bit. I made a big personal move, miles away from my home for most of my life. And being in the fitness industry, work had pretty much ground to a standstill. And, oh yes, there was this pandemic thing everyone’s been talking about!

So, I found that I was leaning a little more on comfort foods. Perhaps not doing my usual exercising routine. The move was taking much of my time, and the century home we had purchased had lots of projects to dig into.

But suddenly, the ability to wear stretchy clothes was no longer working in my favour. When the seasons changed, it was time to pull out the summer clothes, and I’m pretty sure they didn’t all suddenly shrink.

Stepping on the scale told me the truth of the matter.

I knew that what I’d done was allow myself to fall out of my good healthy living habits.

Sleeping in, the aforementioned stretchy clothes, I had more time to become chef extraordinaire – butter, cream, an extra helping… sure, why not? And sourdough bread tasted too good to have only one slice.



I was beginning to have less energy and starting to feel less like my positive self. It was time to turn this ship around.

Back to the good habits I’d embraced most of my life.

I’ve formulated a personal plan. I’m calling it “Every day is one step closer to success.” My goal is specific. Although I know weight isn’t everything, it’s part of my definition of success.

The plan and the habits

Every day I have to do at least one of the following activities:

• Two hours of labour: Active gardening such as digging new gardens, renovation projects requiring movement, inside or out
• 40 minutes of indoor high energy activity, such as a stationary bike
• 20 minutes EMS training with a 20-minute cardio finish
• A one-hour brisk walk
• A one-hour bike ride

Use portion control. Palm sized portion of protein and starch (half my plate) and double or triple that amount in veggies (this summer, fresh from my garden for the first time!) Keep it simple. Less sauces, more fresh herbs and spices.

Drink water… fill my one-litre reusable water bottle three times a day.

Get back into my bedtime routine with specific sleep and wake-up times.

When I get up, act like I’m going to work, even though I have a home office. This means proper attire, hair and so on.

Reconnect with friends and family. Make plans setting dates. If, like me, you’ve faced some trying times these past 16 months or so – or even if you haven’t – returning to healthy lifestyle choices will help you live a longer and happier life.

About Agnes Ramsay

Agnes Ramsay is a Registered Nurse, Personal Trainer and Wellness Coach who specializes in Electric Muscle Stimulation Training.

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